Andrina: Character: Sigrid

Andrina: Character: Sigrid


  • Sigrid is a significant character in the short story “Andrina” by George Mackay Brown.
  • She is presented as a strong, independent type of nurturing woman.

Character Analysis:

Sigrid’s Strength and Independence:

  • Sigrid defies the traditional gender norms of the time, demonstrating her resilience and independence, by continuing to live alone after her husband’s death and rejecting the interference of well-intentioned elders.

Sigrid as a Nurturer:

  • Despite being perceived as somewhat eccentric, Sigrid is consistently presented as compassionate, kind and nurturing. She single-handedly brings up Andrina, a task she takes on with great care.

Sigrid and the Island Life:

  • Sigrid is very much an imprint of the Orkney Island, reflecting the hard realities of island life and the strength of the community. She embodies the endurance and unyielding spirit of Orkney, demonstrated by her resilience in living alone and her impact on Andrina.

Symbols and Imagery associated with Sigrid:


  • Sigrid collects seaweed from the beach to fertilise her garden. The seaweed as a symbol reflects her dependence and consonance with nature and the elements, highlighting the dichotomy of her character: a rugged self-reliant woman who’s also a tender nurturer.

Sigrid’s House:

  • The trope of her house embodies the notion of home, warmth and comfort, firmly rooting Sigrid’s character in the place and life of her island community.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “She was a woman who did not care what the villagers might think of her” - This quote effectively showcases Sigrid’s independence and indifference towards social judgement, making her stand out from traditional societal narratives.

  • “A woman of various moods, sometimes bordering on what the islanders called ‘queer’” - The ‘various moods’ represent the changing waves and seasons of the sea and island, equating her with the natural environment.

The character of Sigrid is an integral piece in understanding the tone and themes of the story, “Andrina”. Remember to analyse her actions, thoughts, words and relationships with other characters to build a comprehensive understanding. The quotes provided set the groundwork for character analysis and comparison, offering insight into the motivations and driving forces behind her character.