The Ferryman's Arms: Stanza 2

The Ferryman’s Arms: Stanza 2

“The Ferryman’s Arms: Stanza 2” - Overview and Themes

  • Central is the subject of the uncertain journey ahead, alongside the concepts of the ephemeral nature of life and death.
  • The concept of time is an important theme as it intertwines with the unpredictability of life and death.

Language Analysis

  • The phrase “poor coin, against poor light” characterizes the insignificance and vulnerability of human life in the grand scheme of existence.
  • Frozen clocks” is an example of visual metaphor efficiently used to emphasize the relentless flow of time, which respects no individual or situation.

Tone and Mood

  • The tone in this stanza is mournful and full of anticipation, highlighting the uncertain future of the travelers.
  • The mood is melancholic, emphasizing fleeting existence and the inability to halt the passage of time.


  • The image “a bar brimmed with civil twilight” effectively presents the saturation of anxiety amongst the travelers, while also accentuating the transitory phase of life.
  • The divergence between life and death is enhanced through imagery like “sudden blizzard at the window, or a gale of sparks”, demonstrating the unpredictability and at times, harshness of life’s journey.

“The Ferryman’s Arms: Stanza 2” showcases Paterson’s ability to convey deep, existential thoughts through vivid imagery, profound metaphors, and a somber tone, offering valuable material for analysis and understanding.