Theme & Key Quotes: Secrecy

Theme & Key Quotes: Secrecy

Theme: Secrecy

  • Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is shrouded in secrecy, from Jekyll’s hidden experiments to Hyde’s unknown origins and crimes. This is a reflection of the dual nature of man’s character as portrayed in the book.

  • “You must suffer me to go my own dark way” - This quote by Dr Jekyll to Utterson shows his desire to keep his activities secret, even from his closest friend. This emphasises the theme of secrecy.

  • “Mr Hyde shrank back with a hissing intake of the breath” - This quote illustrates Hyde’s secretive and furtive nature.

  • “The door was shut against the lawyer” - This phrase not only signifies the physical door but also the metaphorical door shut on Utterson, and us as readers, stopping us from discovering the truth until the end.

Secrecy of Jekyll’s Will

  • Dr Jekyll’s will is a vital ‘secret’ in the novel. The will is unusual as it benefits Mr Hyde, a man met with disgust and mistrust from all who meet him. Its peculiar and unknown aspects cause intrigue and suspicion.

  • “Case of Disappearance” - This chapter title itself has connotations of secrecy, and stands for both Hyde’s physical disappearance as well as metaphorically disappearing from the social scene.

  • “Hence the ape-like tricks that he would play me, scrawling in my own hand blasphemies on the pages of my books” - This reference to Hyde’s secretive behaviours within Jekyll adds a tangible, eerie secrecy within Jekyll himself.

The theme of secrecy is intertwined with the other themes of the novel, it is important to consider how this secrecy is linked with the broader dual nature, scientific rationality versus supernatural, public versus private, and violence. In your response, explain how characters’ secretive behaviours, the secretive nature of the society and era in which the book is set and secretive narrative unfolds to establish the broader themes of the novel.