The Wirless Set: War time life on Trovnik

The Wirless Set: War time life on Trovnik


  • “The Wireless Set: War time life on Trovnik” is another remarkable piece by famous Scottish writer George Mackay Brown.
  • It reflects the everyday life and struggles that Trovnik’s people face during the war period.
  • The narrative focuses on how the wireless set becomes the heart of community life and a source of important war updates.


Community and Unity:

  • The story illustrating how the wireless set unites the village of Trovnik, amplifying a strong sense of community.
  • Owing to scarce resources, the set becomes a shared possession, showing villagers’ unity in adversity.

War and its Impact:

  • The omnipresent theme of war outlines the story, shaping the community’s life and routines.
  • The continuous updates about war obtained through the wireless set makes it a harsh reality for the villagers.

Character Analysis:

The Wireless Set:

  • The wireless set becomes a lifeline, embodying war updates and global connectivity.
  • Despite being an inanimate object, it becomes a significant character in the narrative, reflecting the desperate time surroundings.

Trovnik’s Villagers:

  • The villagers of Trovnik represent a collective character struggling with the day-to-day realities of war.
  • Their fear, anticipation, and hope are continuous, which mirrors the uncertainty and inherent struggles during the war.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Mackay Brown uses personification by portraying the wireless set as a lifeline for the community.
  • The blend of fear and hope in the narrative aptly captures villagers’ emotions and anticipation during the war period.
  • Use of realistic language and details helps to paint an accurate and vivid picture of war-time life in a small community in Scotland.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “…a voice, an echo from the vast world beyond Trovnik.” - The wireless set is portrayed as their only connection with the greater world, highlighting how isolated they were.

  • “They lived through the wireless in these days.” - This quote expertly summarises the story’s central premise, illustrating the critical role the wireless set played during the war.

It will be valuable to reflect on how Mackay Brown uses different techniques, quotes, and characters to present the themes and provide a thorough analysis while responding to the prompts.