Rain: Themes; Fate and Humanity

“Rain: Themes; Fate and Humanity” - Overview and Themes

  • “Rain” contemplates the uncontrolable nature of fate and the role of humanity in finding solace amidst this uncertainty.
  • Reflects on the theme of ephemerality of life and fate’s unpredictability.
  • Throughout the poem, Paterson examines the human struggle against this unpredictability and the subsequent acceptance of our limited control over life events.

Language Analysis

  • The phrase “falling endlessly” represents the uncontrollable, unpredictable and incessant nature of events in our lives.
  • By comparing life events to rain, Paterson captures the notion of fate as a force of nature, unpredictable and mostly out of human control.
  • The use of enjambment allows the flow of thoughts and ideas to be as nuanced and unpredictable as the rain, providing an additional layer to the poem’s exploration of fate.

Tone and Mood

  • The tone evolves throughout the poem from a slightly melancholic contemplation of life to one of acceptance of our human situation, complimented by a sentiment of hope and solace.
  • The mood captures both the anxiety associated with life’s unpredictability, and the sense of relief and acceptance this realisation can bring.


  • The sound of rain’ represents life’s unpredictability; it arrives unannounced, persists, and leaves unrestrainedly, much like fate’s actions.
  • The rain mentioned in the poem presents a powerful image of life’s transience and nature’s indifference to human desires and plans.
  • The recurring image of rain in various forms throughout the poem captures the constant oscillation between acceptance and struggle that humans experience in relation to fate.

Analyzing “Rain: Themes; Fate and Humanity” provides a comprehensive understanding of Don Paterson’s thoughtful examination of humans’ relationship with destiny. His use of intricate language, dramatic tone and mood shifts, and vivid imagery successfully encapsulates the human understanding of life’s unpredictability and fleeting nature.